A palm tree that stretches freely toward the sun.
The stole expresses the beauty of the contrast created by the shadows of the bark and leaves .
Many colourful sceneries that I met while walking in the production area.
The momentary beauty that glitters like a treasure is put into the stall.
Using a technology called digital printing, we print photos taken in the production area on the stall.
Please enjoy the atmosphere of the site where the soft wool material is alive.
Palm Tree Stall is a park in Kolkata, India, the moment when a palm tree stretches out toward the sun.
The stole has a beautiful contrast created by the shadows of the leaves cast on the bark that is layered on top of each other.
The accent colour stole gives a neat and fashionable impression when matched with simple clothes.
Just hang it from your neck to match your jacket or trench, and it will be an accent.
The palm tree stall is also recommended for men.
Approx. 190cm x 70 cm
Material: 100% Wool